Saturday, May 9, 2015

Roman Reigns shoots on CM Punk

Roman Reigns was asked at a Q&A panel in Philadelphia about the formation of the Shield. He answered:

"You'll hear all kinds of stuff. 'CM Punk made the Shield.' Yeah, OK. The only thing CM Punk made was that Pepsi tattoo on his shoulder."

The entire panel can be seen here:

Friday, May 8, 2015

Former WWE Superstar releases a new book

Former WWE Superstar JTG has released a new book, titled, DAMN ! WHY DID I WRITE THIS BOOK ?, and it's pretty entertaining. It's a short book, only 67 pages, and only costs a dollar, but I'd say it's worth it. It offers many entertaining stories about his interactions with superstars such as CM Punk and Chris Jericho, as well as some deep insight into his decision to stay with the WWE and support his family.

You can purchase the book from the following link:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

WWE Monday Night RAW 7/8/13 Results and Reactions

Last night's RAW was, in my opinion, one of the best to date. It saw plenty quality matches between MITB contestants, hyping for other matches at the PPV, a GM change, and the long awaited debut of the Wyatt Family. Here are the results of the 7/8/13 episode of Monday Night Raw:

Daniel Bryan def. Sheamus

Good match between the two, with Bryan avenging "18 seconds" from Wrestlemania 28, which the commentators just will not allow people to forget about. Daniel Bryan reversed a Texas Cloverleaf by Sheamus into a cradle, picking up the clean win. After the match, both men stared up at the briefcase before shaking hands.

[WWE Tag Team Champions] Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns def. Tons of Funk (non-title match)

Definitely not a surprise here with the two members of the Shield picking up the victory. Roman Reigns picked up the pinfall after hitting Sweet T with a spear. Oddly, Dean Ambrose didn't come out after the match to celebrate with the Shield after their win, like what usually happens. He wasn't backstage with the other 6 MITB contestants later in the show either.

John Cena and Mark Henry promo

Henry is talking about how he's here to talk about the only thing that will satisfy his 17 year long hunger, and Cena interrupts him making a "joke" about Mark wanting a Snickers bar. Yeah. Cena repeatedly interrupts Henry throughout his promo, as Cena does with everyone, and Mark tells Cena that if he interrupts him one more time, MITB will start tonight. Cena wants Mark to cross the line and fight him, but Mark declines saying he won't do so for free. Mark fakes leaving the ring but then goes and attacks Cena. Cena tries lifting Mark up for an AA, but falls under the weight of Mark. Henry picks up Cena for a World's Strongest Slam, walks around a bit, then hits it.

Chris Jericho def. [WWE Intercontinental Champion] Curtis Axel (non-title match)

We saw Miz on commentary during this match, as he's facing Axel this Sunday at the PPV for the championship. Axel got distracted by a trash talking Miz outside of the ring during the match. After being ordered to get back in the ring by Paul Heyman, Axel walked right into a Codebreaker from Jericho, with Jericho picking up the pinfall victory.

Alberto Del Rio fights Sin Cara to a No Contest

The Mexican stars were going at it before Dolph Ziggler enters the arena, walking down the ramp with a microphone. Dolph then proceeded to give a not so flattering entrance for Del Rio, possibly mocking his absent ring announcer. Del Rio left the ring to attack Ziggler and they got into it. Apparently, the match was just thrown out since there was no official ruling.

Vickie Guerrero Job Evaluation

The McMahon's were set up at a table, ready to make a decision on Vickie's future. It's easy to see that no matter what Vickie Guerrero does, whether bad or good, she gets booed out of the arena. That's something Triple H made sure to make note of when making his case for firing Vickie. Vince, however, didn't see it that way. He saw her as entertaining, and the WWE is about entertainment. Triple H refutes she doesn't get booed in the "good way" and that they are a business. With Vince and Hunter fighting over what to do, they leave the decision up to Stephanie McMahon, who leaves it up to a WWE App poll. The WWE Universe voted in a landslide, 75-25, that Vickie failed at her job, and she was then fired. Vince said the people still deserved entertainment, and named Brad Maddox the new RAW GM.

Kane def. Christian

Interestnig spot as Michael McGillicutty's tron briefly plays at the beginning of Christian's entrance. I'm not even sure why WWE would still have that. Kane catches Christian with a Chokeslam as he tries to hit the Spear, picking up a pinfall victory.

Debut of the Wyatt Family

Right after Kane's win, a video of Bray Wyatt is shown on the Titantron. He tells people to wake up. He lights a lantern, showing Luke Harper and Erick Rowan behind him, says "We're here," and blows out the flame. The arena goes completely dark and The Wyatt Family begins making their way to the ring, with Bray Wyatt holding an electric lantern. Bray sits in his rocking chair and blows out the electric lantern(?) making the arena dark again. The lights come back on and Rowan and Harper are in the ring as they attack Kane, and they smash his head with the steel steps. Bray Wyatt poses over Kane, as they cut to a replay.

Kaitlyn and Layla fight [Divas Champion] AJ Lee and Alicia Fox to a No Contest

The Bellas were on commentary for this one. In the middle of the match, Kaitlyn hit AJ with the Spear as she tried running away. Kaitlyn's music started playing, so the match was apparently just thrown out again. Because the Divas are important, right?

CM Punk def. Randy Orton

We got a Wrestlemania 27 rematch for the main event, although this match's result was different, with Punk beating Orton. It was a very good back-and-forth match, with Punk picking up the win with a GTS. After the match, Daniel Bryan came out, taking out Punk, then grabbing a ladder and running over Orton with it. Bryan set up the ladder, climbed up, and grabbed the briefcase, YES'ing up the crowd as the show goes off the air.

Follow me on Twitter for constant updates about my blog.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Want to lay in bed with former WWE diva Sunny? Now's your chance!

The following was posted directly from Sunny's (Tammy Sytch's) Facebook page:

Hey SUNNY FANS!! This is YOUR CHANCE to get UNDER THE COVERS WITH ME!! At the Legends of the Ring Convention, 10/5/13, I will be offering special photo ops! Your choice: for $50 you get to have your photo taken laying next to me in bed, and for $75 you can have your photo taken 'spooning' or with me lying my head on your chest! Was I your TEENAGE CRUSH?? Now is your chance to make that dream a REALITY!!!


and YES, I WILL be wearing a little item from my LINGERIE DRAWER!!

It will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Monroe, NJ.

You can click here to go to the event page on Facebook for more info.

Monday Night Raw 3 Point Preview: 7/8/2013

Tomorrow is a big night for the WWE, as it is the go-home show for the Money In The Bank PPV. We will see the debut of Bray Wyatt and his family, Vickie Guerrero will have a talent evaluation, and we are bound to see much more hyping of matches scheduled for the PPV. Without further ado, here is my first weekly 3 point preview of Monday Night Raw.

Debut of the Wyatt Family: Well, they're here, and now it's too late to run? Should we have listened? Should we have ran? We'll find out tomorrow. For weeks, the WWE has been hyping up the Wyatt family as this creepy, backwater, cult type of stable. The success of their debut will depend on how well this all gets over with the crowd. Let's hope the crowd doesn't fill the arena with "Husky Harris" chants, although I doubt that will happen since that never happened for either Fandango (Johnny Curtis) or Curtis Axel (Michael McGillicutty). This debut has been much anticipated for a while now. Will it live up to expectations?

Vickie Guerrero Talent Evaluation: So far, the only thing this whole McMahon power struggle story has done for me is make me feel extremely sorry for Vickie Guerrero. One McMahon tells her one thing, another McMahon tells her another thing, and another McHaitch tells her another thing. All this misdirection and misunderstanding has led to Vickie being the recipient of a talent evaluation by these McMahons. Now while it has been pointed out that this may not be a bad thing and could possibly lead to a promotion for Vickie, we all know that's never how it works. If anything, this whole event is just to further the McMahon power struggle while Vickie just narrowly escapes the hell-fire. Will Vickie make it out of this talent evaluation with her job?

CM Punk and Paul Heyman: A few weeks back, we saw CM Punk (Paul Heyman's former client) become the recipient of an F-5 from Brock Lesnar (Paul Heyman's current client). Was it Paul Heyman? He says it wasn't. But then again, Paul doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to honesty. These past few weeks, we have seen Punk have interactions with Paul and both of his clients, taking the aforementioned F-5 from Lesnar and having Curtis Axel steal Punk's win in a tag match. How will this rocky relationship between the best friends continue to develop (or unfold) this week?

WWE Monday Night Raw starts 8PM EST and can be seen on the USA Network.

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